Thank you for your interest in learning more about the NeuroQuantis principles. We would like to invite you to read the following chapters with attention as they offer a real window to thrive within a professional organisation. You are welcome to contact us with any comments and questions!

NeuroQuantis Principle

The individual lives permanently within all sorts of organizations. Up until now, and even more so since the beginning of the industrial era, it was up to the individual to adapt to organizations, for the better or — still too often — for the worse.

NeuroQuantis offers to take into account both the needs of the individual and those of the organization and to satisfy them reciprocally, in order to co-create a reality which is profitable both for the individual and for the larger community of human beings in general.

By taking into account common needs, the individual becomes aware that he can act in accordance with his own individual growth while collaborating towards the organization’s collective growth and sustainability.

By taking into account common needs, the organization facilitates its own growth by reducing the malfunctioning associated with humans and increasing its own performance.

The individual acts in accordance with his individual growth when he satisfies all of his needs. He then works with pleasure, gives the best of himself, in accordance with his deepest individuality.

NeuroQuantis; two complementary approaches

Neuro : Using the four decision-making centers of the brain that process information, the manager adopts the position of the Observer and in a world of profound change, he can make the right decision regardless of the environment or events external.

Quantis : the choice and the intention of the Observer creates the reality; it integrates relationship between the observed subject and the Observer.

Intuitive Feeling : the inescapable link between Neuro and Quantis, the key to the whole approach.

To change is simply to choose something else…
NeuroQuantis is an invitation to reconsider the way we see the daily reality and to initiate a quantum leap in the organization: now will never be the same again…

NeuroQuantis shall not be confined in any methodology. The field of possibilities is endless.

When his higher needs are satisfied, The individual brings positive energy to the organization;
This energy is exempt from any collateral damage.

NeuroQuantis Axioms

Axiom N°1 : The individual is an organization, the organization is an individuality.

An individual is a structure made up of cells, which are both autonomous in the way they operate and programmed by DNA. An organization is a structure made up of individuals, who are both autonomous and directed by a hierarchy through which the levers of decision are distributed, in accordance with the Founder’s initial vision (or program).

Axiom N°2 : The individual and the organization are intimately linked and inseparable.

No organization can exist without the active participation of the individuals. A football club with no player nor spectator no longer exists.
These organizations provide the individual with services and products that are quite useful, or even sometimes vitally necessary for him.

Axiom N°3 : By satisfying the needs of the individual, the organization satisfies its own needs.

The organization has to adapt to the individuals, to satisfy all his needs, fundamental as superior. In the word ‘individuals’, there are employees, customers, suppliers and the community of human beings. As soon as the organization takes into account the needs of the individual, the latter considers his reality in a positive light, since his needs are being met…

Axiom N°4: When his needs are satisfied, the individual contributes positive energy to the organization; this energy is exempt from any sort of collateral damage.

The individuals in a negative state of mind in relation to the organization which they perceive as an executioner, will bring negative energy. Two kind of damages:

  1. Inherent collateral damage, related to the adherent’snegative energy : Conflict, loss of motivation, stagnation, lack of initiative and creativity, depression, burnout, suicide, sabotage, internal theft, blocking information, etc..
  2. Induced collateral damage – everything which does not get done and that yet could have gotten done: the company spirit, the team spirit, solidarity, the sharing of information, common motivation, dedication to a project, the joyous dynamics that binds people together and has positive repercussions on external adherents, clients, suppliers, media…

Axiom N°5: The organization’s positioning is that much more powerful when its own goals are in alignment with the individual’s.

Needs according to NeuroQuantis

When a problem occurs, it’s a good idea to ask yourself : What need has not been met?

Any human being is a being of needs. An individual whose needs are not met, consciously or unconsciously, becomes the prey of stress. Then he’s in a ‘survival mode’, all of his actions are conditioned by fear, and he can only take limited decisions — that are limiting for the organization.

The parallel is also true for the organization itself. An organization whose needs are not met becomes the prey of a tangible stress; stockholders put pressure on the CEO, who transfers it to the Board, who transmits it to the executives, who do the same with the various teams, etc.
As long as the organization is not aware of these patterns which generate stress, which in turn makes the organization more fragile in its relationship to other organizations, nothing will ever change.


As long as his primary needs are not met, the individual’s attention will be entirely taken up by them, which will affect his behaviour. Just try and ask anybody you want to focus on his professional goal, at a time he has neither slept, nor eaten, or is consumed by stress and worry…

Only once his basic needs have been satisfied, will an individual try and rise up along the hierarchy of needs, with the intention of satisfying higher ones as well. This perpetual evolutionary process of needs constantly releases new energies which drive us towards action.

Only the need for self-realization constitutes a constant and uninterrupted, intrinsic motivation. An individual who satisfies this need will be constantly striving to move ahead towards his own realization. He will dedicate all of his knowledge, and his personal and social resources to the pursuit of his own and others’ realization.

The more we are deprived, the greater our motivation to satisfy the corresponding need. The level of activation is related to the extent of this deprivation; in such circumstances, individuals will obviously seek elsewhere the means to have their needs met, therefore completely losing interest in the organization.

Stress according to NeuroQuantis

When the individual satisfies all of his needs, his stress diminishes, his fears regress, his level of trust increases. He can position himself as an Observer of his own reality and choose a position of distance conducive to a greater receptiveness towards his own intuition, towards making the right decision, choosing the right response, instead of inappropriate reactions.

Placing himself in the position of an observer, curious and acting as an anthropologist would in order to better understand others, the individual enriches his own life context by deepening his professional, family and social relations. Having dropped his personal barriers (his masks), he communicates in a genuine fashion, receptive to the needs of others, and expressing his own feelings.

The reduction of the individual’s stress provides him health, serenity, trust and energy. He sleeps better, truly rests and thus dedicates himself that much more efficiently to his work that he feels good in it, in agreement with himself.

In fact, his performance increases and absenteeism — because of illness, depression, burn-out and demotivation — diminishes appreciably.

The individual increases his own potential to collaborate and communicate, his capacities to think and analyze, opening wide the sluice gates of creativity and intuition, contributing all of his positive energy to the organization.

Self-realized individuals – Ideal colleagues ?

When he designed his notorious pyramid of needs, Abraham Maslow described a self-realized individual in the following terms… Wouldn’t you like all your employees to look like him?

  • He commits himself for a cause that is external to himself,
  • He dedicates himself to this cause because it is precious for him,
  • He loves his work, there is no more separation between work and pleasure for him,
  • He expresses his ‘meta-needs’ in terms of values such as truth, beauty, divine, fulfillment, life, uniqueness, justice, order, abundance, play, living with what is, self-sufficiency.
  • He assumes his responsibilities and never assumes the position of a victim. He has the courage to avoid taking any defensive position.
  • He works at his ‘mission’, does it spontaneously, as well as possible, and experiences moments of pure and intense happiness.
  • He listens to his intuition, always completely honest with himself and others,
  • This describes a disinterested and devoted individual, totally committed to what he’s doing.
  • Each of his choices aims at progress, wholeness and fulfillment rather than choices dictated by fear.
  • In parallel to the satisfaction he derives from his work, the self-realized individual seeks perfect health and uses his emotional intelligence to better collaborate with others and enable them also, to become self-realized.

For your employees already in place, NeuroQuantis gives you tools aimed at the realization of the individuals.

For those who join your organization, NeuroQuantis enriches your toolbox when hiring, in order to assign the right person to the right function.

Neurosciences for a Quantum Leap

NeuroQuantis uses the tools of Neuroscience to bring the individuals and the organizations in a quantum leap through reality …

1/ Neurosciences : the research on the brain progresses by leaps and bounds. Based on the work of Henri Laborit (1914 – 1925), Dr. Jacques Fradin has developed the model of the ANC – Neurocognitivistand Behavioural Approach from twenty-five years of scientific research on the brain. This research, validated by tests conducted in collaboration with the medical service of the French Air Force, have been the subject of scientific publications worldwide, providing an understanding of the mechanisms underlying stress, interpersonal relationships, behaviours, decision making and motivation. The ANC tools allow the conscious “toggle” in “the Observer posture” – the ‘prefrontal’ mode, decision-making center of the brain that appeals to our higher intelligence.

Other researchers provide valuable steps to such knowledge. To Antonio Damasio, you must first stop to see the body as an instrument of the brain. The prefrontal cortex contributes to the interpretation of emotional stimuli. It is essential to reasoning, which leads to the conclusion that without emotions, we can not decide. For Mario Beauregard and others, it is the meeting between emotions and rational brain that springs consciousness, a uniquely human characteristic. The decision (caedere, Latin for “slice,”) happens in the mind, but it is an action! Emotions are a movement (e movere in Latin) which allows action. Our decision center directly involves emotion as a source of information for analysis and helps to sort through the options. “Emotion is involved in the reason; it can rather more assist the process of reasoning than necessarily disturbing, as is commonly assumed.” Jean-Pierre Changeux. But emotion does not necessarily brings good decisions: “In some cases, as with fear, emotion completely replaces reason.“Joseph Ledoux. “Emotion plays a role in intuition, rapid cognitive process by which we come to a conclusion without being conscious of all the logical steps leading to it.“Jean-Pierre Gagneux.

Assuming that emotional intelligence is valuable in all cases to confirm the relevance of emotional signals, NeuroQuantis strong emphasis on “body feeling”, our best guide at every moment, alarm of cognitive dysfunction or valuable witness of the right decision. Trusting his emotions while leaving the reins to the cortex, here is the real challenge for individuals !

2/ Quantum physics : the book called Reality Transurfing (surfing through reality) provides powerful tools through a model developed by the Russian quantum physicist Vadim Zeland – worldwide bestseller of personal development. Within the knowledge of the human, Russia provides us with powerful tools, due to the will of the communist system to better understand humans. This is also true for quantum physics and the need to control nuclear energy.

According to quantum physics, the observer affects the outcome, the reality. Taking the Young’s two slots experience, Louis de Broglie comes in any case to this conclusion, followed by David Bohm thereafter (De Broglie theory / Bohm – particle holds information on the state of the equipment), as if the material played to ‘please’ the experimenter… The Copenhagen interpretation, supported by the physicists Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Pascual Jordan discusses the influence of the measuring device on the outcome and the principles of uncertainty and causality (everything has a cause) specifics to the quantum domain. The identity of the object independently of the rest of the world disappears – everything is connected.

For NeuroQuantis, the intention of the Observer determines the outcome. The intention itself is directly related to the psychological state of the individual, that influence his decision and generates a corresponding result. The state of an observer, responsive and fulfilled individual is probably the best guarantee of efficient and sustainable results.

The Communication Tunnel

Communication process from the ANC which consists of a series of seven chronological stages that followed by the original message and allow the integration and appropriation by the other and therefore, motivation to “make live” the message.
It takes into account the timing of decision centers of the brain:

  • disarm the reptilian stress,
  • manage the social positioning of the paleo-limbic (trust and power relations),
  • then, by a process of questioning based on six dimensions of the Observer – Curiosity, flexibility, nuance, relativization, global thinking and personal opinion – put the other in the observer position, meta-position where consensus appears and motivation originates.



Biosystemic offers a detailed analysis of intra-organization process in a new perspective: balancing the interests of the organization and those of its employees. It is a very precise diagnosis of the causes and consequences of failures that we all face. It provides pragmatic and simple to implement meta-rules .

Biosystemic aims to encourage employee commitment and to bring them into favorable psychological conditions for performance with minimizing the barriers. It discusses the rules of a systemic within an approach that promotes growth and prevents stress. It allows you to unlock an individual’s strengths and annihilate the weaknesses of an organization.

Three axioms / three tools :

1) Power / Responsibility loop (PRL)
Axiom: Nobody likes to be punished for an act which he is not guilty / responsible.
Any liability shall be made ​​operational by the powers associated with that responsibility.

2) Information Flow Loop (IFL)
Axiom: Once can not be both judge and party
Without feedback, the individuals and the organization are blind. IFL provides a constructive feedback system both controlling and helpfull.

3) Delegation Optimization(DO)
Axiom: lever decision is always given to the person which is the core function. Core function means 25% of motivation according to temperament, sufficient skill for the task, information available and cost/human resource ratio.
The OD prevents the individual to run after information, streamlines and accelerates the process.

A NeuroQuantis Story


Albert was a happy CEO… well, almost …

The company at the head of which he had been named four years ago now, La Belle Verte, specialized in the sales of packed salads and vegetables, saw its yearly turnover grow year after year, thanks to the opening of new foreign markets and large well-targeted advertising campaigns. However, the Board of Directors demanded from him even more profit, always more…

Albert, with the help of a large auditing agency, had indeed whittled down the staff by not replacing retiring employees, cut down on a whole range of useless expenses and perks, had put pressure on his managers so they would upgrade their goals and set up all sorts of training courses for his executives, to help them become even more productive…

He felt he had run out of available possibilities and was vainly searching for a real solution… The unions were grumbling, the executives were stressed out; it was obvious that the atmosphere in the company was starting to deteriorate. It had become impossible for him now to go any further in terms of staff downsizing, except by making huge investments in robotization, something which the Board had refused…

There was also something else that bugged him: the constant increase of malfunctioning in the company, which recurrently came and upset the machine, breaking down the production rate…

«- Hey, hello Peter, he called out to his right-hand man, who was walking by him down the hallway. How would you like to have lunch with me today? »

– Sure thing Albert; how about 12:45 at El Divino’s for a nice pizza?

– OK Peter, will do…»

El Divino was a small place run by a couple of homosexuals, and the setting was that much more comfortable and cozy to speak about touchy subjects. Once they had placed their order, Albert started the discussion:

– « I’m getting more and more pressure from up there… They’re always demanding more, and more, and more… I introduced the robotization project to them, but they think the investment is too significant, especially with the Euro crisis and all that… They’re asking me to cut down our production costs, but honestly, I don’t really see where and how I could cancel any more jobs… The unions are already keeping an eye on me, when I look into their eyes all I see is indignation… Quite honestly, I don’t have a clue about what else we could do… »

Peter didn’t say a word … He was just listening to Albert, in a friendly and appreciative way, filled with respect for this captain’s experience and charisma… He was rather surprised however that Albert wasn’t being any more enthusiastic, at the idea of taking on a new challenge such as this one…

Albert had stopped. Peter kept quiet for a moment or two, then, after clearing his throat, he spoke:

– « As you know, I’m convinced that there is always something we can do. As a matter of fact, I’ve given quite a lot of thought to the situation we’re in… Actually, I’ve been thinking more generally about the purpose of a company, or of any organization for that matter… Are you ready to listen to me for a few minutes, without interrupting me? I must admit that I’m feeling a bit — how shall I put it … embarrassed … it’s the first time I’m sharing with someone my vision of what a company could be, or rather what it should be…

– Go ahead » Arthur replied. « I’m listening to you…

– Well, if I go back to the beginnings of civilization, to the first prehistoric tribes, I imagine that it was necessary, given the constantly increasing number of individuals involved, to start getting organized; to decide for instance who would be in charge of making the fire, who would be in charge of looking after the children, who would prepare the animal hides to make clothes out of them, while others would go out hunting or gathering food…
These first organizations, were naturally set up to enable individuals to satisfy their vital needs. Since they were organized, they were sure to have enough food to eat, the means to keep warm, in a favorable (if not a comfortable) setting, with some mid-term planning, which all contributed to a general sense of security. »

Albert nodded.

« Nowadays, we call similar organizations States, corporations, associations, cooperatives, and their only purpose is to satisfy some of the needs which individuals may have. A State enacts laws, a corporation produces and sells goods, products or services, an association harnesses various forces and a cooperative pools resources. It’s a fact, an organization that does not address individual needs, will necessarily end up going downhill and disappearing… It can be said, quite accurately, that all organizations basically satisfy the individual, wouldn’t you say?

– Yes indeed, you’re right, Albert replied.

– And yet, paradoxically, we can see more and more absenteeism and turnover in our company, we’re seeing that the various departments are having a hard time cooperating with each other, as if they were involved in some kind of internal competition, without even mentioning regular acts of sabotage — talking of which, we really need to rebuild the toilets in the dissection workshop — and what is worse and truly a problem, our best collaborators are falling into burnout, so that we end up losing them for several months on end sometimes…

– Yeah, that’s a fact, Albert approved.

– Well, I wished to understand why. I realized that the company, as well as most organizations, satisfies a certain number of our colleagues’ needs — I would say basic needs: they can buy what they need to eat, to pay for housing, clothing, keep warm, live with a certain amount of comfort, with a mid-term vision of their future, own a small real estate capital for some of them, securing their old age… And so the company allows them to survive — whereby the expression ‘to earn a living’.
However, the company is not helping them to be happy, not at all… Sure, they’ll be able to buy themselves a gift, every now and then, or have some good time with their family or friends, or anything else that will provide them with some degree of pleasure or enjoyment… but then this will inevitably wear off and a sense of gloom will come back to haunt them, because they haven’t found true, unchanging happiness. This type of feeling becomes even more intense on Monday mornings, when you have to get back to work…

– You’re giving me a real psychology course there, Peter…

– Let me go on, you’ll see what I’m driving at. What would happen if the company went further in satisfying the needs of its employees?

– I don’t know, I can imagine that it would be rather expensive! What do you mean by « go further » ?

– Imagine a company, such as La Belle Verte, to which our collaborators — employees, suppliers, distributors — feel they belong, feeling acknowledged, recognized, which gives meaning to their work and to their life, helping them to flourish and become fully realized, fulfilled… »

Albert had raised his eyes to the ceiling: he was thinking; obviously, he was visualizing each and every word of what Peter had just conjured up… After a while, he turned back towards Peter, who continued:

– « How would our collaborators behave? »

Hearing those words, Albert began to smile… Quite clearly, he was visualizing a situation which was radically the opposite of the one he currently had to face. But very soon, his smile disappeared, replaced by an expression of perplexity.

– « Isn’t there some utopia in your reasoning? Sure, I can imagine that if all our collaborators head towards the same direction as our company, we will be able to multiply our impact, both inwardly — in terms of motivation, fluidity and productivity — and outwardly — in terms of product quality and the image of our company… But do you imagine, even a second, that this could be achieved without having to spend a fortune? The Board will never accept to finance such expenses — which would be very high I imagine — simply to please the staff… I don’t really see where you’re driving at, Peter…

– The point is not to invest one single extra Euro, Albert, no, I wouldn’t even have mentioned it to you otherwise, you can imagine. The point is to bring a new vision to our collaborators, to enable them to change their point of view regarding our company, quite simply because the company itself will have changed its own point of view on its employees, suppliers, distributors and also customers…

– Quite interesting in essence, but I imagine that this will require deep thinking, which will take time and honestly, I don’t see where we can find the time… »

While listening to Albert, Peter opened his bag, digging his hand inside and bringing out a book.

– « I’ve got a solution. We have the solution to make this so-called ‘utopia’ feasible. Science, thanks to its technological progress, enables us today to elaborate models that work on the congnitive and Behavioural and allow the individual to become fully realized within the framework of an organization… The organization then enjoys a new momentum that propels it towards excellence… There is only one single requirement: authenticity. The example and the impulse must come from Management, from you, from me and from all the executives…

– It would only seem logical » Albert replied. « But, you’re talking about new models… Must we re-invent everything?

– «The point is really not to disrupt everything or turn everything upside down, but rather — and I like this metaphor — to work on the company’s acupuncture points, instead of doing heavy surgery on it… »

While speaking, Peter was showing Albert the cover of a book.

– «NeuroQuantis? Were you a science student, Peter?

– Don’t worry, there’s nothing complicated about it, on the contrary it’s quite simple, and I’ve been able to test some of the tools mentioned in this book on myself and was able to observe rapid and concrete changes in my life… Shall I explain?

– Be my guest! » Albert replied. « Whatever the case may be, at this stage, I have no practical solution to get us out of this shithole! »

Peter was a bit surprised to hear Albert using such language, a man who was usually considered most refined and sophisticated… But the glitter in his boss’s eyes quickly reassured him, and Peter began describing what NeuroQuantis was all about…


Albert is a happy CEO; really happy.

The company La Belle Verte, which he has been the leader of for the past six years now, is doubtlessly the most beautiful success of his long career as a CEO and provides him even more satisfaction than he would ever have dreamed possible at the time he graduated.

When he arrives at the plant, all he sees are smiles and gratitude. The staff is happy — from the worker to the executive, their production is top level, quality is there, malfunctions have ceased, there are less sick leaves, almost no more conflicts, real cooperation among everyone and mostly — a remarkable accomplishment — no more burnout at all for the past one and a half year…

Some people went to work elsewhere, others joined the company — with an incredible motivation; the media keep praising La Belle Verte and Albert is frequently invited to TV talk shows, whenever there is a debate about workers’ conditions, or organizations in general.

There’s something funny, which Albert had not imagined: the shareholders have ceased putting pressure on him. It’s a bit of a paradox, since the profit margin, which, admittedly keeps increasing, does not allow to distribute any more dividends… no, there’s another reason…

What Albert had not imagined, is that the price of stocks would skyrocket the way it did… Reassured by the solidity of La Belle Verte, its perspectives for development, and especially, its durability, the investors have total trust and don’t hesitate to bank on it… What they don’t earn in terms of dividends, they now get it in terms of capital and stocks…

Peter, on his end, after having successfully led the metamorphosis, has left the company for new adventures. He’s now a coach and consultant working for NeuroQuantis, the firm which helps organizations to implement NeuroQuantis. He feels fully invested and thrives in this new work.

As a matter of fact, his new credo has now become : « The age we’re living in is really fantastic! »…

Viral Spreading

You might be wondering at this stage: « How can I ‘sweeten the NeuroQuantis pill’ for the rest of my co-workers? » and even: « In the past, we already implemented changes which, for all practical purposes, hardly had any effect on our organization, finally. »

The answer to that is quite simple: don’t ever make it a ‘pill’!

NeuroQuantis radically differs from all these programs promoted by « change management » experts. For these consultants, the organization is something mechanical, which leads them to presume that an individual who is the target of an action will react mechanically and adequately — with the desired behavior.

However, these sweeping changes introduced through countless powerpoint presentations and meetings have the unfortunate tendency of setting off resistance and cynicism among most co-workers; « Here we go again! What else have they come up with now upstairs? What’s going to happen to us again? And first of all, what’s the point? We were fine just the way we were anyways.”

For NeuroQuantis, an organization is biological in nature; the focus is mainly on disseminating new behavior patterns in the organization, and this, through “viral” channels.
Explanation: As soon as an organization’s ‘flagship personalities’ — both in terms of management and of social connections — deliberately change their own behaviour in certain ways, soon after all of their co-workers will also, little by little, end up following suit and changing theirs.

Just like a virus, NeuroQuantis’ change does not rock the boat. It brews and develops little by little in the company’s arteries until the time has come when we can ascertain that all co-workers have taken on new habits, longlastingly acquired new behavior patterns.

There is but one single rule to be followed as a preliminary to inject this agent of change: the impulse must come from above, from top management. It is set off through a charter which defines new behavior standards and gives the example. Nothing is imposed, everything is suggested, just like new impulses which, little by little, shape this living material, which is what the organization actually is

All NeuroQuantis tools, including those which you’ve just had an insight into, facilitate the integration of ‘what you should do for it to work’. The change happens all by itself because it’s obvious, it’s how it has to work. Once this new awareness has been assimilated by the mind, the individual never goes back.

We hope that you find this introduction useful. How can you proceed with integrating NeuroQuantis in your organization or professional life?

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